Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Journeys at Epcot

This was at the Epcot Food & Wine Festival this October. With two of our good friends Dawn and Bill.

Dawn and I work together at the same company and we have become fast friends... even though she has beaten me twice in our fantasy football league this year. She is one of the nicest people to be around and is a lot of fun. Her husband Bill is a huge Pittsburgh sports fan and another great friend I count lucky to have. He is funny as all get out and we both had a blast touring the Germany pavilion at Epcot. Bill wasn't liking it though when my Arizona Cardinals did a Whisenhunt on his beloved Steelers earlier this year. But hey, at least we're both Jack Lambert fans!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Awesome pictures! Please send me the picture of the four of us at Epcot. My e-mail is dmotremsky at